Here is my list of resources that have positively influenced me on my journey through life.
Hopefully, you get inspired and find some or all of them useful and valuable.
The Ringing Cedars of Russia
To me, the main character Anastasia, may be the best example of a Natural Human Being, the world have ever seen. This book series changed my life and started my journey to become a Naturacend human being. Profound wisdom and love!
Author: Vladimir Megre $36.90
The Seth Material
Several books channeled to Jane Roberts from an entity that calls himself Seth. Out of all the books in this series, these two was the most powerful for me. This goes to the bottom of the Rabbit hole, so be prepared!
Author: Jane Roberts $9.90 $36.50
The Celestine Prophecy
To me, the most important book in the time we are living in now. A step-by-step aid to get through the transition from a Domipathic era to the Naturacend era. Unlock your powers now! I also recommend the movie (YouTube)!
Author: James Redfield $13.99
The Divine Matrix
I recommend everything from Gregg Braden. In a non-pushy way, he manage to explain very clearly and with lots of practical excamples on how to connect with your inner powers and take full control of your life in the physical and non-physical reality. This book is a good start point.
Author: Gregg Braden $13.99
Psychopath Free
Author: Jackson MacKenzie
In my opinion the society you grew up in have a strong psychopathic structure, promoting psychopathic toxic behavior and persecute empathic people. This book is in my opinion the best shield and weapon you have for not only survival, but to thrive. If you are an empathic person, go and get this one right now! $15.05