The Seasonal Experience Academy
Economic improvement
“To become truly sustainable, the time to discover your inner creativity, bliss, and purpose must be created. Because that is where the high value of quality and uniqueness is to be found. Living self-sustainable reduces the need for time spent on survival and frees your time, body, and mind."
- Sean Li
Founder of The Seasonal Experience Academy
Founder of the Naturacend mind- and lifestyle
Academy Registration fee discount
The intention behind the discount is to reward the students who complete the Academy and to help them a little on their next step to living sustainable.
Get the Diploma and receive a 200 euro discount (Refund) on the Academy Registration Fee, upon completion of the Academy.
Academy monthly fee discount
The intention behind the discount is to allow students without much money to also get the chance to learn about sustainability.
Volunteer for 20 hours of work in a month, to receive a 150 euro discount on the following Academy Monthly Fee.
The work will be related to the Academy’s curriculum, and will mostly be about working to finish larger projects that you already had the training for. Like working on a stonewall, pounding tires, painting, gardening, taking care of animals, gathering/cutting firewood, etc.
The volunteering work for the Academy students is organized by the Academy. Let your teacher know ahead of the month if you want to volunteer, so that the teacher can organize and register it for you.
Creating and sharing income sources
The core intention behind The Seasonal Experience Academy is to offer the students knowledge and aid to create their own sustainable lives as soon as possible after graduation.
As a part of the Academy curriculum, students will learn to create self-sustainable related income sources. Income sources they can practice while attending the Academy. And sources they can bring with them in life after graduation.
Any income sources created by the Academy and the owners of the Valley, and run by the owners and the Academy at The Valley, will be offered to be fairly shared among the owners an the Academy (including the students) according to the individuals work input and investments.
This should allow students to improve their economy while living very cheaply on Campus for up to a year. Hopefully, this will become a good start point for the students to create a sustainable way of life after graduation. And for the Owners and the Academy to keep on living and teaching sustainability.
A part of education is learning to think outside the box and focus on inventing and creating income sources that require a minimum of work and investment and a maximum profit potential.
Reducing living costs
The intention is to free up time in your current living situation, by reorganizing your daily life in such a way that your living expenses and need for a paid job is reduced as quick as possible.
As a part of the Academy curriculum, students will learn to create simple devices and routines to reduce their heating and cooling bills, electricity bills, water bills, and food expenses in their current living situation back home.
As a part of this process, the students will get the chance to introduce and live in a new mindset where possibilities are the focus, rather than limitations.